
If you are clicking on my about tab, hoping to read something super professional and resume’ like, that is definitely not what you are going to find.

I’m not trendy, fashionable, nor do I wear much jewelry at all besides my wedding ring. I like getting dressed up, but I’m more me in a flannel, t-shirt, leggings and my slip on shoes from Old Navy or DSW. I’m still learning how to apply makeup the right way!

I’m 42 with more worries about what my website looks like than how many gray hairs I have. Some day I’ll find some motivation to color it. We’ll see.

I spend too much time scrolling on TikTok than I would like to admit. I obsess over coffee, and that Bath & Body Works candle that smells exactly like the inside of Starbucks. So basically I like coffee.

I work hard daily. Literally daily. I don’t remember what a 5 day work week was like. However, I never let it get in the way of having FUN.

I’ve been married to the most patient man since 2013. We absolutely love time outdoors, camping or kayaking, and just traveling in general. We are also very fond of wineries!

I have 2 beautiful daughters that amaze me daily with their work ethics, intelligence, and comical personalities.

I’ve had a camera in my hand for over 20 years, and a photography business for over 10. I’ve learned a lot of things the hard way, and that is what led me into becoming an educator for beginner photographers. So you don’t have to struggle like I did!

If you ever have any questions, if there is content you would like to see me write about, or you just want to drop by my inbox to say hey, and let me know Bath & Body Works is having a sale on their 3 wick candles, send me a message!! info@photography2profits.com